What is life skill education?
Life Skills are abilities and positive behaviors that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. According to WHO, life skills may be defined as “abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”. To grow into well-functioning adults, it is critical that youth learn key life skills. They include confidence, assertiveness, critical and creative thinking, decision-making, as well as the ability for developing healthy relationships and positive self-concepts. Life skills enable individual to translate knowledge, attributes and values into actual abilities.
Importance of life skills for students
Life skills are central to the holistic development of learners. We live in a world full of challenges and to cope with them only academic qualification is not sufficient. We need life skills to cope with the challenges to live with the pace of world. In other words, learning life skills is a desirable activity on its own as it helps individuals to deal effectively with everyday demands and does not have to be justified as preventing anything. Effective application of life skills can influence the way children feel about others and themselves, which in turn can contribute to the children’s self-confidence and self-esteem. The benefits of teaching life skills are innumerable.
• Make them capable of doing daily activities independently
• Maintain social and cultural behavior effectively
• Aware about time table and routine
• Aware about healthy food habits and follow food pyramid
• Maintain courtesy
• Help them to develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life challenges
• Build up confidence so that they can communicate ideas more effectively
• Be aware about their rights and responsibilities right from their young age as a citizen
• Acquire basic living skills like cooking, laundry, shopping etc.
• Perform budgeting, saving and shopping wisely
• Be well-informed about social and political issues
• Improve analytical study rather than rote learning
• Aware about religions and rituals
• Improve academic performance
• Minimize classroom behavioral problems
• Improve classroom attendance, less bullying and better relationship between children and parents
Life skills education curriculum (Theme based)Life skills cover wide ranges of areas. Life skills curriculum for this project consists of 10 core life skills recommended by WHO and other skills too.
Core Life Skills (Soft Skills)
- Self - Awareness
- Empathy
- Effective Communication
- Interpersonal Relationship
- Creative Thinking
- Critical Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Decision Making
- Dealing with Emotions
- Dealing with Stress
Activities of Daily Life Skills (ADLS)
- Self-management skills (dressing, grooming, personal hygiene, etc.)
- Safety and first aid
- Clothing and laundry
- Cooking and kitchen skills
- Courtesy and hospitality
- Time table and routines
- Handling personal belongings
- Good food habits
- Buying and shopping
- Caring pets and plants
Money Education
- Finding the difference between wants and needs
- Budgeting
- Saving
- Charity
- Proper use of change
Cultural and Moral Values
- Festivals and celebrations
- Pray and pooja
- Religious rituals
- Respects
Career Skills
- Job search
- Interview
- Coworker relations
- Workplace safety
- Office skills
Teaching Methodology
- Group Discussion
- Group Work & Pair Work
- Role Play
- Games & Simulation
- Debates
- Behaviour Modeling/Re-Modeling
- Practical Work
About Life Skills Coach
- Well-experienced and highly qualified
- Well-trained to build bridge from knowledge to behaviour
- Focus activity based practical lessons
- Resourceful and committed
- Intergrate learning with real life
- Updated with the latest teaching techniques