Accounting Package

Why Accounting Knowledge is Important???
Keeping track of your finances through proper bookkeeping and accounting is crucial to the growth & survival of your business. Here are 7 Reasons why:
#1. Proper accounting helps you plan ahead for your business.
#2. It helps you meet deadlines.
#3. It helps you monitor and manage your cash flow.
#4. It helps you evaluate the performance of your business.
#5. It helps you set projections and goals for your business.
#6. It helps you prepare for business growth or downsizing.
#7. It helps you have accurate records for preparation and filing of taxes

For this, we are providing you a training related to Account. More details about Training are as follow:

Part One(6 Days)
General Accounting Concept
-General introduction of accounting
-Debit/credit rules
-Type of Vouchers
-Voucher Preparation / Posting to leader
-Various registers/ Reports
-Final Reports
-VAT(Purchase Register/ Sales Register /Vat Return Entry)
-Introduction of income tax

Part Two(20 Days)
Accounting on Software
-Concept of accounting software
-Introduction of tally Software
-Company /creation
-Configuration & Feathers of Tally
-Introduction to Fact
-Accounting Groups and leaders
-Voucher Types
Accounting on Service Organization
-Recording Transaction
-Reports Display
-Adjustments and provisional entries
Transitions – Trading Organization
-Introduction of Trading Organization
-Accounting on Trading Organizations
-Introduction of Inventories
-Inventory Masters
-Recording Transaction
-Bill- wise details
-Cost centers
-Multi currencies Budget & Controls
-Report Display
Transactions of Manufacturing Organization
-Stock Journal/ Manufacturing Journal
-Stock Transfer/Godown maintain
-Production / additional Cost of Purchase
-Data Backup/Restore
-Exporting / Splitting data etc.